Employment and Diversity Sustainability

Basic Concept

We share our prized values of prioritizing sports and the environment, and living life without a boundary between work and play, as we engage in our day-to-day work. These values are connected to the accepting how employees live their lives, work, and think, as well as respecting the unique characteristics of individuals. We have defined this way of thinking in the GOLDWIN Group Policy on Human Rights, and are working to secure diverse human capital with zero discrimination based on sex, nationality, ethnicity, ability or disability, sexual orientation, or other characteristics.

Our transition to a job-type HR system in FY 2022 enabled us to operate our HR system with greater fairness, impartiality, and transparency regardless of how long the employee has worked at GOLDWIN, their age, or whether they joined GOLDWIN straight from school or mid-career. We will strive to create an environment in which diverse human capital can utilize their own abilities and experience and make contributions. In FY 2023, we will launch a task force to plan and introduce various systems for implementing human capital management, which is essential for a company’s sustainable growth.

Approaches to Ensuring Diversity

The diverse experiences and backgrounds of each employee are what drive the support and growth of our business. In order to achieve sustainable growth and improve corporate value, we believe that it is important to respect the diverse viewpoints and values of our employees, and we actively recruit people with different experiences, skills, and careers, while actively promoting them to core positions, such as managers, area managers, and store managers, without distinction as to whether they are women, non-Japanese, or mid-career hires. We will promote initiatives steadily while establishing specific targets and KPIs and communicating their progress both internally and externally. In FY 2022, we held a briefing session on securing global human resources, and we hired technical personnel with a view to training future leaders at our overseas factories.

Employee data (consolidated)
  FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
No. of employees (persons) Total 2,526 2,679 2,830 2,861 2,866
Male 1,174 1,252 1,328 1,364 1,376
Female 1,352 1,427 1,502 1,497 1,490
No. of non-Japanese employees (persons) 9 9 13 21 22
Average age (years) 39.6 39.7 39.7 39.8 40.5
Average length of service (years) 12.4 12 11.8 11.7 12.1
Ratio of managerial positions (%) Male 99.3 97.4 95.5 95.4 93.8
Female 0.7 2.6 4.5 4.6 6.2
Percentage of female executives (%) 7.7 14.3 15.4 16.7 14.3
No. of new graduate hires (persons) Total 31 39 30 34 14
Male 14 19 18 20 8
Female 17 20 12 14 6
No. of mid-career hires (persons) Total 173 137 127 108 33
Male 96 65 58 48 18
Female 77 72 69 59 15
3-year retention rate for graduate employees (%) Total 76.1 71 85.3 80.7 97.4
Male 81.8 71.4 81.8 71.4 100
Female 70.8 70.6 87 88.2 95
Number of resignees Total 215 252 175 214 240
Personal reasons 197 214 144 186 201
End of contract term 13 19 22 21 34
Mandatory retirement age 1 2 1 2 2
Company reasons 4 17 8 5 3
Turnover rate (%) 7.8 8.6 5.8 7.0 7.7
Employee data by employment contract type (consolidated)
  FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Ratio of non-regular employees (%) 62.9 64.7 65.7 64.4 65.1
Regular employees (persons) Total 936 947 970 1,019 1,001
Male 483 492 503 524 521
Female 453 455 467 495 480
Contract employees
(apart from sales associate positions) (persons)
Total 338 393 433 463 493
Male 188 207 239 254 262
Female 150 186 194 209 231
Contract employees
(sales associate positions) (persons)
Total 820 905 978 997 972
Male 399 442 467 474 465
Female 421 463 511 523 507
Part-time employees (persons) Total 432 434 449 382 400
Male 104 111 119 112 128
Female 328 323 330 270 272
No. of employees (persons) Total 2,526 2,679 2,830 2,861 2,866
  FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Temporary employees Total 37 33 44 35 32
Male 5 2 4 0 1
Female 32 31 40 35 31

Recruitment Policy

In terms of our recruitment policy, we are looking for a wide range of colleagues who share our values, regardless of gender, nationality, and disability and whether they are a new graduate hire or mid-career hire. “Even amid an uncertain business environment, develop and secure professional human capital to enable sustainable company growth”: having established this as our Basic Policy of Human Capital, to achieve this, we share our “model human resource” throughout the company. Recognizing that these model human resources are the human capital that underpins our corporate value, we are engaged in various measures to maximize them.

Model HR


Human capital with advanced specialization able to demonstrate imagination with a customer focus

Human resources capable of seeing things from the perspectives of others and conceptualizing and promoting new businesses by thinking differently to others and applying high levels of expertise (knowledge and skills)


Human capital able to independently perform their roles and responsibilities and take on challenges

Human resources who have a keen awareness of the roles and responsibilities required of them in order to achieve results as a team (organization), who take responsibility for their actions, and who are willing to take on new challenges.


Human capital who respect individuals’ attributes, embrace teamwork, and achieve growth

Human resources who, in addition to maximizing their individual abilities, take full advantage of the resources of the team (organization), and who promote business from the optimal company-wide perspective

Promotion Screenings

We engage in equal opportunity hiring with a focus on work experience and without distinguishing between the sexes or between new graduates and people in the middle of their career. From our focus on having employees understand our company culture and atmosphere, we have a policy of hiring people in the middle of their careers as contract employees. If they decide in the course of their employment that they would like to work for GOLDWIN long term, they undergo a promotion screening to become a regular, full-time employee. The system enables them to take on this challenge while considering what they want in their career. Promotion screenings involve a recommendation from the employee’s boss, followed by submission of a report, a written test, and an interview with corporate officers. Screenings used to be held once a year, but since FY 2022, they have been twice a year, and 71 employees received a change of employment status through the promotion screening system.


GOLDWIN offers internships as one of its educational support activities for university and high school students aspiring to enter the sports or apparel industries. As well as improving the social issue of youth unemployment, we aim to revitalize the industry by getting them to experience our business, and at the same time, realize that their work creates the future.

In the Tokyo area, students spend five days gaining an understanding of the company as well as practical training in sales and manufacturing, and in the Toyama area, students spend three days gaining work experience in production (mainly in the Printing Division).

In FY 2022, 143 students in the Tokyo area and two students in the Toyama area participated in internships.

Women’s Advancement in the Workplace

Our SPORTS FIRST philosophy is achieved when our employees’ lived experience of sports informs to our products and services. Women’s ideas and values are also key to this, and we are focusing in particular on women’s advancement in the workplace within our push to create a company atmosphere and conditions that allow all employees to fully unleash their potential. In promoting women’s advancement in the workplace, we recognize the issue of a gender gap in terms of aspiring for higher positions. In addition to improving the ratio of women in managerial positions, we are working toward our priority goal of actively promoting women to leadership positions, area managers and store managers, which in turn become candidates for management positions. In addition, through the development of employee-friendly workplaces, we are promoting flexible work styles so that employees can return to fulltime work after taking childcare leave.

Action Plan for Women’s Advancement in the Workplace

We established an action plan in 2020 based on the Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life. In FY 2021, we conducted informational interviews based on the work–life balance sheet with women employees who are raising children. As of March 2022, 100% of women employees had taken the interview.

In FY 2022, we created a new action plan to further expand opportunities for women’s advancement in the workplace during the three years until FY 2024. We are making additional environmental improvements based on the following three targets.

1. Conduct follow-up interviews with employees returning to work after childcare leave and their managers 100% of the time

2. Increase awareness for career advancement among female employees by 10%

3. Aim for 30% of male employees to take childcare leave through promotion efforts

Results for FY 2022
Target FY 2022
1. Conduct follow-up interviews with employees returning to work after childcare leave and their managers 100% of the time Conducted 100% of interviews with employees returning to work after childcare leave; interviews with managers not yet conducted; aim for 100% in FY 2023
2. Increase awareness for career advancement among female employees by 10% First survey conducted in FY 2022 (36% of respondents had awareness for career advancement (aspiration for management position)); second survey to be conducted in FY 2023 for comparison
3. Aim for 30% of male employees to take childcare leave through promotion efforts Number of male employees taking childcare leave: 31
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave: 67.4%
Average number of days taken: 18.6 days

Career Planning Support for Female Employees

With a view to expanding the number of women in managerial positions, we have held the Women’s Chat Meeting for female managers since 2021 to understand the current issues and draw lessons for the future. In the first year, 20 female managers working at GOLDWIN participated online. The workshop started with an explanation by the Human Resources Department on the background and approach to promoting the advancement of women in the workplace, followed by the results of a questionnaire that participants had answered earlier. Group discussions were then held on two topics: How do you feel about being in a managerial position? What do you think is needed to make it easier for female managers to work at the company? and there was a lively exchange of opinions. In FY 2022, two of our external directors, Yuko Moriguchi and Rie Akiyama, were welcomed to the workshop and spoke about how women live their lives, their thoughts on work, balancing work and raising children, and the significance of women working in society. We also shared the results of an earlier questionnaire and asked the two directors their views on job satisfaction, issues in career development, and concerns and difficulties. On the day of the workshop, 14 people participated in person, and 193 online, with many male employees also viewing the event. We will continue to hold training and seminars for female employees to support them in developing their careers.

Results of the questionnaire: Issues in career development (485 responses)
Balancing work and family 24.9%
Childbirth and childcare 23.5%
Gender inequality, etc. 17.5%
Irregular menstruation, menopause, and other changes in hormonal balance 9.9%
Conception 9.7%
Nursing care 9.1%
Inequality based on educational background 5.4%

Creating Conditions Where Employees with Disabilities Can Make Contributions

We aim to realize an inclusive society where diverse human capital can make contributions regardless of handicapped status. We are working to improve workplace environments so that employees with disabilities have flexibility and can continue working according to the circumstances of their disability. In FY 2022, 2.42% of our employees had a disability. We also provided Universal Manners training for employees to gain understanding and basic knowledge about not only people with disabilities, but also LGBTQ and other diverse people, and to learn how to support them.

We plan to develop workspaces including at stores and expand employment of people with disabilities. As the groundwork for this, we are holding trainings for managers in phases to build understanding for employing people with disabilities.

Ratio of employees with disabilities (consolidated)
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Ratio of employees with disabilities (%) 1.72 2.46 2.63 2.33 2.42


With the aim of realizing fulfilling lifestyles through sports and contributing to the development of society, at GOLDWIN, we are committed to the employment and retention of people with disabilities. As part of these initiatives, we opened GOLDWIN KAWAGOE FARM in Kawagoe City and GOLDWIN HANNO FARM in Hanno City, Saitama Prefecture, leveraging the IBUKI service developed by Startline Co., Ltd. providing employment support in indoor farming to people with disabilities. As of March 2023, there are 15 people with disabilities at KAWAGOE and nine people with disabilities at HANNO, who are engaged in growing and processing crops at the farms. At work, staff members wear uniforms made at NEUTRALWORKS. and feel a sense of unity as employees of GOLDWIN Group. The herbs produced at the farms are processed into herb tea and served in the staff canteen at the Tokyo Head Office. They are also used as novelty items at various events and at NEUTRALWORKS. Since 2022, the herb tea has also been on the summer menu at the GOLF CLUB GOLDWIN restaurant. Our human resources staff actively participate in the operation of the farms, providing support and assistance so that employees with disabilities can become get used to their work and remain in their jobs. Going forward, we will promote greater awareness and understanding of these activities within the company, and heighten awareness among employees of the importance of employing people with disabilities.

Reemployment Program for Older Workers

Amid a declining labor force, society as a whole needs to create an environment in which many people can continue to actively work for a long time, regardless of their age. At GOLDWIN, we have established a reemployment program for older workers, rehiring any employees who reach the age of retirement but want to keep working from the end of the fiscal year in which they turn 60 until the end of the fiscal year in which they turn 65. In FY 2022, the number of rehired employees was 158 and the reemployment rate was 82.3%.

Number of reemployed older workers and reemployment rate
FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Number of rehired employees (persons) 12 29 75 84 158
Reemployment rate (%) 41.3% 54.7% 64.6% 71.7% 82.3%

LGBTQ (Sexual Minority) Initiatives

As part of creating workplaces where individuals are respected and diversity is encouraged, we are focusing on creating an environment that is open and friendly to LGBTQ employees. Our Group policy explicitly prohibits any language or action that is discriminatory on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity, and we are building understanding for this internally through trainings and other efforts. We make accommodations for LGBTQ employees who express preferences for their work mode, and plan to develop ways for same-sex partners of employees to receive the same treatment as spouses in our HR-related programs.

Future Issues

To be a company that is inclusive and values the individuality of each and every person, we will continue striving to create workplace environments that enable the employment and work of diverse human resources and make the most of their abilities.

An important key to promoting diversity is changing the mindset of employees. Going forward, we will encourage employees to obtain Universal Manners Certification and conduct seminars that include an understanding of LGBTQ issues.