Human Resources and HR Strategy Sustainability

Basic Concept

SPORTS FIRST with all employees who work at GOLDWIN—we love sports, understand the power of sports, and share the desire to deliver the appeal of sports to as many people as possible. Our corporate value is achieved through every one of our employees realizing SPORTS FIRST, and this is why aiming to maximize human capital is one of our highest-priority management issues.

Even amid drastic social change and a challenging management environment, our Basic Policy of Human Capital aimed at achieving sustainable growth sets forth that, even when conditions are uncertain, we will develop and secure professional human capital to allow us to achieve sustainable growth. The Human Resources Department that leads these efforts aims to achieve the management strategy and vision in terms of utilizing human capital as a strategic partner. In addition, the HR Department aims to be a partner for employees and officers who give comprehensive and attentive support for their self-actualization. In the area of HR management operations, the department conducts various programs with the mindset of seeking higher-level performance and greater efficiency in its managers.


Model HR

To realize our Basic Policy of Human Capital, we have established a set of “model human resources,” which we share throughout the company. Recognizing that these model human resources are the human capital that underpins our corporate value, we are engaged in various measures to maximize them.


Human capital with advanced specialization able to demonstrate imagination with a customer focus

Human resources capable of seeing things from the perspectives of others and conceptualizing and promoting new businesses by thinking differently to others and applying high levels of expertise (knowledge and skills)


Human capital able to independently perform their roles and responsibilities and take on challenges

Human resources who have a keen awareness of the roles and responsibilities required of them in order to achieve results as a team (organization), who take responsibility for their actions, and who are willing to take on new challenges.


Human capital who respect individuals’ attributes, embrace teamwork, and achieve growth

Human resources who, in addition to maximizing their individual abilities, take full advantage of the resources of the team (organization), and who promote business from the optimal company-wide perspective

Promotion Framework and Person Responsible

Under the responsibility of the Executive General Manager of the General Administration Headquarters, the Human Resources Department is the main department in charge of the various measures based on the Basic Policy of Human Capital. Each measure is reported to the ESG Management Committee and to the Executive Management Meeting, and oversight and instruction are received from the Board of Directors via the Executive Management Meeting. As well as coordinating with the human resources departments of Group companies, we also consult with the Goldwin Committee—a group of employee representatives—exchanging opinions and discussing improvement plans on working conditions, workplace environments, and employment conditions.


GOLDWIN’s Corporate Culture and Legacy

We are proud of the technical mastery and know-how we have inherited from our predecessors, and preserve their legacy while engaging in our current corporate activities. Our commitment to SPORTS FIRST runs through everything we do, and o ur employees’ lived experience of sports informs our products and services. Since FY 2022, we have been holding President Talk & Training sessions (meetings with small groups of 20–25 employees) where the president and employees engage in direct dialogue to deepen understanding of the company’s vision and provide guidelines for action, as well as Chairman Training sessions for mid-career recruits to learn about the company’s history and gain awareness. A total of 773 and 211 employees have participated in the sessions, respectively.

Monument Honoring Our Predecessors

GOLDWIN founder Tosaku Nishida raised the Remembrance Monument in Oyabe City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan to honor the accomplishments and memory of our predecessors who overcame many obstacles to build GOLDWIN. Our management team has a tradition of visiting the Remembrance Monument to pay their respects to these predecessors after the shareholders’ meeting every year. This tradition not only honors their memory but nourishes in our current leaders the same spirit of determination and passion our predecessors had as we look ahead to our future.

Putting Sharing Information, Sharing Goals, and Sharing the Company into Practice

In past years, we held multi-day training intensives for new employees and senior management at important Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples in Toyama Prefecture, Japan. Traditions at these trainings included early morning cleaning sessions and forging mental strength through lectures and meditation. They were opportunities to focus intently on problems and future issues and how to address them as well as to unite hearts and minds. Today, these trainings take the form of an annual senior management conference to share our management policy, company goals, and other key information.

In FY 2022, the conference was held online due to COVID-19, and in FY 2023, a hybrid conference was held on-site and online.

Visits to Ise-jingu Shrine to Give Thanks, Learn Cultural Continuity

In the words of GOLDWIN founder Tosaku Nishida, “There are things in this world that are greater than any human power. When you feel lost, cleans your soul, banish evil thoughts, and think seriously about what you should do with a pure heart before the gods and Buddha. When you do, you will instinctively see the path forward.” Every year, employees who have reached specific years of age considered unlucky in Japan pay a visit to Ise-jingu Shrine. This is an opportunity for employees to give thanks to their ancestors and family, pray for good health, and learn about the importance of preserving continuity through the history of Ise-jingu Shrine being rebuilt every 20 years.

In FY 2022, 33 employees visited the shrine.

Participation of Employees in Various Sports Events

GOLDWIN sponsors events including the ULTRA-TRAIL Mt. FUJI, an international trail running race over 160 km long, and the Toyama Marathon held in Toyama Prefecture. Many of our employees enter these events as competitors and participate as staff and volunteers helping to run the events. These are just a few examples of how we are committed to implementing SPORTS FIRST in our business operations as well.

Achievements in FY 2022
Event Number of employees participating
Hokuriku Welfare Golf Tournament 24
Toyama Marathon 27

Sports Cheer program

The Sports Cheer program is one that provides support for employees involved in sports so that they can set ambitious goals and continue to challenge themselves, rather than simply participating in a one-time event.

The program covers not only sports tournaments, but also employees participating as volunteers or coaches.
Support is provided in the form of financial assistance, products, special leave, and so on, depending on the level of each employee. In FY 2022, 29 employees took advantage of this program.

Goldwin Group Committee (Group of Employee Representatives)

With the exception of stores, a representative employee is appointed at each Goldwin Group business location. The Goldwin Group Committee, whose executives comprise employee representatives, has been established to engage in legally required labor-management consultations as an alternative to a labor union, and has concluded necessary labor-management agreements, including agreements on overtime and holiday work (based on Article 36 of the Labor Standards Act)

Employee representatives are appointed once a year by a vote of all employees (including part-time employees) excluding managers. When implementing major changes that may significantly affect employees, prior notice is given to employees and employee representatives, and decisions are made in consultation with employee representatives.
In FY 2022, as well as providing prior briefing on the evaluation guidelines in the HR system, seven meetings were held to discuss such topics as information dissemination through the COMPASS internal media, support for childcare and nursing care leave, sports events, and sustainability promotion. The Toyama area also held 10 meetings of its own, with discussions on occupational safety and health, community events, and other topics in addition to the above themes.

Future Issues

We will continue to implement various measures based on the Basic Policy of Human Capital, aiming to maximize our human capital. Following operation of the new HR system that launched in FY 2022, from next fiscal year onward, we will focus on ensuring a smooth transition to the new system and promoting better understanding among employees. We aim to improve productivity through the new system, and together with the various system reforms, we will conduct employee satisfaction surveys and revitalize the organization. We also aim to maximize human capital by developing global human resources and promoting diversity based on our management policy.