Environmental Management System Sustainability

Basic Concept

Our Group’s top priorities are sports and the environment, and we therefore aim to improve the global environment through unbound imagination and breakthrough innovations that benefit the world.
We have defined our thinking in the Basic Principles of Environmental Protection and the Basic Policy for the Environment, and provide all Group employees with an Environmental Management Card and encourage them to carry it with them. We ensure that employees understand the principles and policy through bi-annual Environmental Management Meetings and environmental education activities held in each business division.

Basic Principles of Environmental Protection

All of us should embark on the noble mission of living and prospering in harmony with nature. The GOLDWIN Group aims to reduce environmental impact through planning, manufacturing and selling of sportswear and other types of functional wear, as a comprehensive health company. We also strive to make a positive impact on the environment by offering environmentally friendly products. Below you will find the basic environmental policies we have set for ourselves.

Environmental Policies

  1. Strive to prevent environmental contamination and protect the environment by complying with all environmentally related laws, regulations, and other requirements applicable to GOLDWIN’s corporate activities and facilities, and to establish voluntary standards that are as extensive as possible.
  2. Protect our planet by recognizing the harm our corporate activities could do to the environment and minimizing the impact of our activities through the effort of all employees.
  3. Set and review targets for reducing our environmental impact and engage in activities to improve the environment on an ongoing basis.
  4. Use limited natural resources effectively and reduce industrial waste with a full awareness of the energy and resources used and CO2 emitted.
  5. Advance the development of health-conscious and environmentally responsible products by gathering all available corporate resources and developing proprietary technologies.
  6. Continue to be a company operating in harmony with nature and coexisting with local communities to support the health of the natural environment and of all life.

Environmental Activities Promotion Framework

The EMS Committee is responsible for managing the implementation of environmental activities. Its deputy chair is a management executive, under the ultimate responsibility of the President and Representative of Board. Based on ISO 14001, the EMS Committee oversees the results of business divisions’ environmental activities on a monthly basis. The GREEN IS GOOD Working Group, a sub-committee of the Development Committee, which plays a key role in Group product and technological development, primarily promotes activities and manages the progress of environmentally friendly product development and collection of unwanted apparel.

Group-wide environmental initiatives are reported to the management team in the ESG Management Committee.

EMS Committee

Under the ultimate responsibility of the President and Representative of Board, a management executive serves as deputy chairperson. Monthly EMS Committee meetings are held to confirm the progress of each division’s environmental activities and manage ISO 14001 sustainment. Progress of environmental activities is managed by an administrative office comprising members from the Internal Audit Office and General Administration Headquarters. The administrative office manages environmental activities of each division, and managers from business divisions are responsible for environmental activities. In this way, we ensure that environmental activities are conducted.

GREEN IS GOOD Working Group, Development Committee

The GREEN IS GOOD Working Group within the Development Committee, mainly comprising members from the Sourcing Headquarters, Corporate Planning Headquarters and Business Headquarters, meets monthly to develop and manage materials with reduced environmental impact, manage apparel collection and promote marketing activities that communicate our environmental activities to customers. The working group manages registration of materials with reduced environmental impact in business divisions, and works with the EMS Committee to manage the sales mix of products using materials with reduced environmental impact. It also serves to drive Group-wide activities, including sharing information on materials developed.


Specifying Key Environmental Issues

The apparel industry is associated with large environmental impact, and building systems for society to coexist with nature is an urgent industry issue. Also, activities in the sports and outdoor fields that form the core of our business cannot be separated from environmental problems. We aim to realize a sustainable global environment and social structure, through business activities that reduce environmental impacts by using minimal resources and energy. We specified three key environmental improvement activities within our long-term PLAY EARTH 2030 vision in May 2021 with the aim of making further improvements to the global environment.

Environmental improvement activities: strategies and specific measures
Illustration of Environmental improvement activities: strategies and specific measures
Waste emmisions(t)
* Since FY 2022, waste emissions have been further classified into “products and materials” and “other.”

ISO 14001 Certification

In November 1999, GOLDWIN’s Toyama facilities obtained certification under ISO 14001, the international standard for environment management systems, making GOLDWIN the first company in the sportswear industry to receive this certification. To further develop its conservation programs and environment-friendly products while improving the efficiency of its operations through energy-saving measures, all of GOLDWIN’s offices obtained ISO 14001 certification in February 2006. GOLDWIN Logitem followed in July 2008, followed by Black & White Sportswear in September 2013.

GOLDWIN will continue to implement its corporate guiding principle of “Clean Management,” by providing environment-friendly products and services, and will implement responsible employment and economic practices, in order to contribute to society.

ISO14001 Certified Offices
Map of Japan

Environmental Audits

Based on ISO 14001, our Group undergoes an audit from a certified organization and conducts an annual internal audit. This internal audit focuses on the conformity of aims set each fiscal year by our business divisions with laws and regulations. In FY 2021, the audit conveyed four non-conformities and six observations. The non-conformities were found in the non-achievement of fiscal year targets set by business divisions, the causes were analyzed and corrective actions were implemented.

The examination by the certified organization found no non-conformities, but conveyed three observations. We undertook clarification of the rules in response to these observations. From FY 2021, we shifted management from the floor-level to the smaller unit of business divisions, leading to more active communication and deeper understanding of our Basic Principles of Environmental Protection and Environmental Policies.

FY 2022 audit results
Points raised by the internal audit Points raised by the certified organization
Non-conformities 4 0
Observations 19 4

Training of Internal Auditors

Our Group has 29 internal auditors as at the end of FY 2022. We conduct a meeting for internal auditors once a year to deepen their understanding of ISO 14001. In FY 2022, we appointed six new internal auditors. In addition to training these newcomers, we allowed them to undertake practical duties with our experienced auditors in an effort to enhance their skills.

Compliance with Environmental Laws and Regulations

In order to comply with relevant laws and regulations, and to minimize environmental risks, GOLDWIN Group checks revisions made to laws and regulations every six months, and regularly confirms their requirements. As a result, GOLDWIN Group saw no breaches of laws and ordinances, or fines, during FY 2022.

In the future, we will continue to comply with laws and regulations, and undertake Group-wide environmental risk management.

Main Environmental Laws and Regulations

Tokyo region

    • Fire Service Act
    • Fire Prevention Ordinance
    • Electricity Business Act
    • Act on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources
    • Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansing
    • Act on the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging
    • Act on Recycling of Specified Home Appliances (Home Appliance Recycling Act)
    • Act on Promotion of Recycling of Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Small Home Appliance Recycling Act)
    • Ordinance on Environment for Protection of Resident Health and Safety
    • Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons

Toyama region

    • Water Pollution Prevention Act
    • Toyama Prefecture Pollution Prevention Ordinance
    • Oyabe City Pollution Prevention Ordinance
    • Sewerage Act
    • Noise Regulation Act
    • Vibration Regulation Act
    • Fire Service Act
    • High Pressure Gas Safety Act
    • Electricity Business Act
    • Factory Location Act
    • Act on the Promotion of Effective Utilization of Resources
    • Air Pollution Control Act
    • Construction Material Recycling Act
    • Poisonous and Deleterious Substances Control Act
    • Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansing
    • Act on the Promotion of Sorted Collection and Recycling of Containers and Packaging
    • Act on the Assessment of Releases of Specified Chemical Substances in the Environment and the Promotion of Management Improvement
    • Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons
    • Act on Recycling of Specified Home Appliances (Home Appliance Recycling Act)
    • Act on Promotion of Recycling of Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Small Home Appliance Recycling Act)

GOLDWIN Logitem Inc.

  • Act on Waste Management and Public Cleansing
  • Electricity Business Act
  • Act on Recycling of Specified Home Appliances (Home Appliance Recycling Act)
  • Act on Promotion of Recycling of Small Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (Small Home Appliance Recycling Act)
  • Regional Agreement, Article 6: Water Pollution Prevention Measures
  • Regional Agreement, Article 7: Waste Disposal
  • Act on Rational Use and Proper Management of Fluorocarbons