Promotion of Green Design Sustainability

Basic Concept

The apparel industry is associated with large-scale negative impacts on society and the environment, including greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and mass disposal of product. We need to shift from harmful products with short life cycles to products with greater environmental sustainability that are safe and useful to consumers over the long term.

Our product development and the services we offer are based on the idea that the products will be used for as long as possible, and we will increase our use of materials with reduced environmental impact.

Key Environmental Issues

We have proactively developed products using renewable materials with minimal environmental impact, aiming to increase environmental sustainability and provide consumers with products that are safe and useful over the long term. Our medium-term management plan made in 2021 includes promotion of green design as a priority issue.

The ratio of products that use materials with reduced environmental impact is incorporated into the key target items of each business division, and their progress is checked each month at the EMS Committee, chaired by our President and Representative Director. Progress is also reported at our ESG Management Committee, which meets each quarter.

Environmental improvement activities: strategies and specific measures

Expanding Products that Use Materials with Reduced Environmental Impact

In FY 2022, we further increased our companywide use of materials with reduced environmental impact through greater sharing of information about materials across all brands. Our ratio of products that use materials with reduced environmental impact was 57.9%, exceeding our initial plan of 30%. We will continue to proactively develop products using materials with reduced environmental impact, including plant-based materials such as Brewed Protein™, a structural protein material, as well as recycled and upcycled materials.

Ratio of products that use materials with reduced environmental impact (%)

─ Communication with Customers

An enjoyable program for protecting our green planet
Under the concept of GREEN IS GOOD, GOLDWIN is expanding what it can do for the environment as a sporting goods manufacturer, such as the development of environmentally friendly products, and enjoyable ideas that reduce environmental burden.

This is an activity ongoing since 2008 to reduce environmental impact with the goal of achieving a sustainable society. Rooted in the concept of caring for different environments within all areas of sports, we aimed to realize a circular society by developing and manufacturing products that integrate ideas to reduce the environmental impact and taking actions with our customers who use these products. We work on initiatives based on the three keywords̶ GREENCYCLE (recycling), GREEN MATERIAL (selective use) and GREEN MIND (long-term use). Relevant products are marked with a special label so that customers can recognize them as environmentally friendly products.

We will continue to reinforce our GREEN IS GOOD activities which will lead to the promotion of green design and zero fashion loss.

Joint Development of Environmentally Friendly Next-Generation New Materials

Much sporting apparel uses polyester, nylon and other synthetic polymers, manufactured using petroleum as a raw material. The manufacturing process for these materials consumes large amounts of energy and produces greenhouse gas emissions. This has resulted in environmental problems, including climate change driven by the rapidly rising concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and ocean pollution from petrochemical-derived microplastics. Given the concerns about petroleum depletion, as a modern society, we bear a heavy responsibility to switch to sustainable resources.

In order to tackle such global-scale environmental issues, since 2015, GOLDWIN has been promoting joint-development with Spiber of structural protein materials, launching a prototype outdoor jacket in fall 2015 made from structural protein material that mimics natural spider web. During the following four years, we repeatedly improved the material, launching a T-shirt and outdoor jacket from THE NORTH FACE made from structural protein Brewed Protein™ in 2019. Also, in 2020, Goldwin launched a sweater made from wool blended with Brewed Protein™.

In FY 2022, we announced products from the first mass production system for five brands: THE NORTH FACE, Goldwin, nanamica, THE NORTH FACE PURPLE LABEL, and WOOLRICH, and we will begin sales from fall/winter of 2023.

Through a joint research and development initiative between Goldwin and Spiber, we are striving to re-evaluate the relationship between nature and mankind. By balancing functionality with environmental considerations, and examining the role of products and the economy, we hope to create sports apparel that can support a lifestyle in harmony with nature. We believe we can thereby contribute significantly to the development of a sustainable world. This belief drives our continued effort towards this goal.

Promoting Conversion to Recycled Materials

The majority of sports apparel uses polyester, nylon and other materials derived and manufactured from petroleum. We are proactively switching to recycled materials that do not rely on depleting fossil fuel. Also, we collect garments that are no longer needed at stores to facilitate circulation of limited resources.

Utilization of Auxiliary Materials to Reduce Environmental Impact

We will improve the usage rate of materials with reduced environmental impact in primary materials for products, and promote utilization of materials that have little impact on the environment for product accessories. Also, we will further reduce environmental impacts of auxiliary materials by reducing containers, packaging and labels, and selecting recyclable materials.

Future Issues

Going forward, we will increase the ratio of existing products that use materials with reduced environmental impact, and develop new materials with reduced environmental impact. We will strive to build understanding of our Group environmental initiatives among all of our stakeholders. A challenge will be encouraging consumers to select our products not only for function and appearance but also environmental friendliness.