Employee-Friendly Workplace Sustainability

Basic Concept

Viewing human capital as one of our greatest assets, we have shared our prized values of prioritizing sports and the environment and living life without a boundary between work and play. We must continuously provide support along with the times so that all of our employees can evolve while mobilizing their talents to the fullest and continuing to work with a sense of satisfaction. Based on the fact that employees are in different stages of life and have different needs for how they work, we are focusing on developing and operating programs that offer employees a high degree of freedom. By creating an environment in which employees can concentrate on their work with peace of mind, we aim to increase the overall productivity and performance of our workplaces.

Promotion of Work–life Balance

We are committed to preventing overwork and increasing the rate at which employees take annual paid leave in order for them to achieve work-life balance and appropriate working hours that allow them to work in good health and with a sense of fulfillment.

Preventing Excessive Work

Starting in FY 2020, we conducted a review to drive work efficiency improvements. Through the introduction of network restrictions and a telework program, we are taking steps to reduce overtime work for all employees. In terms of managing working hours, PC startup and shutdown times are recorded daily, and the log data is delivered to supervisors automatically to raise their awareness of how their subordinates work. If any employees work in excess of a certain benchmark, the Human Resources Department reaches out to the managers and supervisors of the relevant department and requests that they establish remedial measures.
To develop a flexible work environment and promote the prevention of overwork, we introduced staggered working hours in FY 2021 and launched part-day paid leave in FY 2022. Also in FY 2022, despite efforts to reduce annual overtime hours for all employees, working hours increased as our business expanded, resulting in annual overtime of 155.5 hours per employee. In view of this, we are promoting further efforts to reduce working hours in FY 2023. Specific measures include integrating computer login times with time and attendance (time card) times and rendering a visual representation of the results.

Trends in employee overtime hours are also reported once every three months to the ESG Management Committee.

Annual working hours per employee
  FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Annual total working hours per employee 1,829.0 hours/year 1,830.9 hours/year 1,788.9 hours/year 1,802.8 hours/year
Annual hours of overtime work per employee 179.9 hours/year 137.9 hours/year 145.2 hours/year 155.5 hours/year

Improving the annual paid leave utilization rate

We are working to improve the rate of annual paid leave taken in order to maintain and improve employee health and to create employee-friendly workplaces. Each department has set a target of achieving an annual leave utilization rate of at least 75%, with the head of the department taking responsibility for promoting the use of paid leave. A list of annual leave utilization by department is circulated every month, and the rate of progress is shared companywide.

The annual paid leave utilization rate for FY 2022 was 83.3%.

Annual paid leave utilization rate (non-consolidated)
  FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
Paid leave utilization rate 84.0% 79.7% 85.8% 83.3%

Support for Balancing Work and Childcare/Caregiving

We provide employees with various kinds of support so that they can balance work and childcare and/or family caregiving. In terms support for childcare in particular, we have enhanced systems beyond statutory requirements, including allowing employees to work shorter hours until their children start fourth grade at elementary school. In addition, regarding childcare leave and other programs, we ensure that each employee who is pregnant or whose spouse is pregnant is familiar with these programs and we confirm their intentions. In FY 2022, following revision of the Childcare and Caregiver Leave Act, we introduced a leave program for childcare at birth from October. Prior to the start of the program, to help expand the program and create a culture within the company, we held two separate seminars encouraging male employees to take childcare leave, one seminar for managers and one seminar for all employees. Since the new system limits employees as to when and how long they can take leave, it offers employees more options, such as taking regular childcare leave beyond the limits of the childcare leave at birth program, and contributes to an increase in the number of employees taking childcare leave. In FY 2023, we will also conduct an employee survey on work comfort and use that feedback to further improve the workplace environment for employees.

Use of programs
Program FY 2018 FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
No. of employees using childcare leave program (persons) Male 0 3 7 13 31
Female 24 28 33 52 44
Average length of childcare leave taken (days) Male 0 111 33 26 19
Female 337 324 351 238 372
Percentage of employees returning to work after childcare leave (%) Male 0 100 100 100 100
Female 95.8 96.4 94.7 96.8 94.6
No. of people using shortened work Hours for childrearing program (persons) Male 0 0 0 2 1
Female 9 20 26 26 35
No. of employees using the short-term caregiving leave program (persons) Male 5 7 11 10 10
Female 7 9 13 20 18
No. of people using caregiving leave program (persons) Male 0 0 0 2 0
Female 1 0 0 0 1
No. of people using shortened work hours for caregiving program (persons) Male 0 0 0 0 0
Female 0 0 0 0 0
Number of employees using the short-term nursing care leave program (persons) Male 9 20 24 53 71
Female 41 58 97 96 117
Other support programs and number of users
Program Overview No. of people using the program in FY 2020 (persons) No. of people using the program in FY 2021 (persons) No. of people using the program in FY 2022 (persons)
Maternity leave Leave program for the period from 46 days before the due date to 56 days after the birth 28 51 33
Spousal labor leave Program to grant special leave to attend spouse’s labor 22 21 14
Childcare leave at time of birth A separate system than the childcare leave program that allows employees to take leave of up to four weeks within the eight-week period after the birth of their child 6
Support for daycare fees paid to more than one provider Program to subsidize daycare fees so that parents can continue to work full-time 0 0 0
Parking fee assistance Program to assist with parking fees for daycare drop-off and pick-up 1 0 1

Seminars Encouraging Men to Take Childcare Leave

In FY 2022, following revision of the Childcare and Caregiver Leave Act, we held two separate seminars encouraging male employees to take childcare leave, one for managers and one for all employees. Designed to help expand our childcare leave programs and create a culture of childcare leave within the company, the hybrid seminars were held in April both in-person and online. Subsequently, the percentage of male employees taking childcare leave reached 67.4%. We will continue to improve the workplace environment making it easier for male employees to take childcare leave, such as by disseminating easy-to-understand information on the programs and by facilitating understanding among employees.

Past seminars
Type Duration Participants Description
For managers: Seminar Encouraging Male Employees to Take Childcare Leave About 1 hour Approx. 400 Video promoting childcare leave; Why paternity leave?; Changing social environment; Current state of men taking childcare leave; Team management of the future; Childcare leave programs
For all employees: Seminar Encouraging Employees to Take Childcare Leave About 45 minutes Approx. 3,100 Video promoting childcare leave; Childcare leave programs; Impact of taking childcare leave on others; Creating a workplace that is conducive to taking childcare leave

Comments from a seminar participant

(Manager working at Tokyo Head Office)

The phrase “mandatory childcare leave for men” has been increasingly reported in the news and other media, but it was only after attending this seminar on encouraging employees to take childcare leave, that I understood that the phrase does not mean the obligation of individuals to take leave but rather the obligation of companies to explain the programs to those who are eligible.

I also understood that not everything can be solved by employees taking leave under these programs. We need to consider the best way forward in consultation with others according to the situation at work and at home.

As a manager, I will keep in mind that employees returning to work from childcare leave are a great asset, and I will continue to improve the workplace environment based on the ideas that childcare and caregiver leave programs are essential for an aging society with a declining birthrate and that good talent will be attracted to companies that provide a good environment.

Comments from a male employee who actually took childcare leave

(Sales staff)

I thought about taking childcare leave because I was concerned that, if my wife had our baby back at her parent’s hometown, it would be difficult for me to see the child every time I had time off and we would end up spending less time together. Another key factor was that I wanted to take part in caring for our baby for the limited time that they are a newborn. However, because no one around me at work had actually taken childcare leave, and because there was little information available, I was worried it might affect our finances and my career. I took the plunge to consult with my supervisor and took childcare leave. As a result, I was able to achieve work-life balance, and my vague concerns about creating a future career were allayed. And I have become more familiar with our products for kids!

I hope more employees take advantage of this program, because there are many things you do not appreciate unless you are around your family.

Photo of Seminar for managers
Seminar for managers
Photo of Seminar for all employees
Seminar for all employees

Parent’s Consultation

In June 2021, we established a “Parent’s Consultation” support desk for employees who are raising children. Until now, in accordance with the Japanese Act on the Promotion of Women’s Active Engagement in Professional Life, we had been enhancing support for female employees who had reached the childbirth/childcare stage of life, and with the establishment of this support desk, one of our main objectives is to accelerate the participation of male employees in raising children. In FY 2022, we endeavored to inform employees of the programs available to them and to promote their use of the programs, such as through distribution of an internal e-newsletter and flyers and one-on-one consultations.

FY 2022 consultations
Period: April 2022 – March 2023,
Number of consultations: 240, Method of consultation: 70% by phone and 30% by email
Timing of consultation Number of consultations Subjects
Before maternity leave 30%
  • Explanation about leave programs, benefits, and how to apply
  • What to do before maternity leave
  • When to start maternity leave
  • Paternity leave
  • Consultation about health problems before maternity leave
When extending childcare leave 20%
  • Consultation about not finding an opening at daycare and extending childcare leave
  • Certificates of employment
  • Consultation about when to return to work
Before taking childcare leave, male employees 20%
  • Programs, benefits, and applications
  • Childcare leave at birth
  • Consultation on when to take leave and for how long
  • Exemptions for social insurance premiums
Advice after returning to work 20%
  • Working shorter hours
  • Consultation about working after children enter elementary school

Creating Rewarding Workplaces

GOLDWIN is focused on creating workplaces where employees can enjoy working and can demonstrate their abilities with pride and a sense of solidarity. In order to put into practice our policy of prioritizing sports and the environment and living life without a boundary between work and play, it is essential that we respect the values of our employees and create an environment where they can choose diverse work styles. By pursuing rewarding workplaces that reflect GOLDWIN’s unique character, we will increase employee engagement which will lead to sustainable growth.

Introduction of programs that aim to improve job satisfaction
Program Outline FY 2022 results
Long-term service program A program that provides time off work and cash prizes to employees who have worked for a long time.Different benefits are set for 10, 20, 30, and 40 years of service. 10 years of service: 44 employees
20 years of service: 8 employees
30 years of service: 42 employees
40 years of service: 53 employees
Vacation holiday time A program that allows sales associates to take 10 consecutive days of leave. By combining with personal leave, employees are able to take up to 14 days of leave. Employees are encouraged to use the leave for recreation or spending time with family, etc. Of the 867 eligible employees, 834 requested to take leave, and 830 took leave (utilization rate: 95.7% of eligible employees, 99.5% of employees who requested to take leave)
Sports Cheer program A program that provides support in the form of financial assistance, products, special leave, etc. to employees who, rather than simply participating in one-time events, set themselves high goals and engage in sports activities or volunteer or coach at tournaments on an ongoing basis. 29 employees

Promotion of Diverse Work Styles

As individual employees have diverse needs in terms of work styles, we believe that giving employees greater flexibility in when and where they work will result in improved work efficiency and productivity. We have launched various programs that support diverse work styles so that all employees can have greater job satisfaction and opportunities for personal growth. In FY 2022, GOLDWIN introduced a part-day paid leave program in addition to the existing staggered working hours program. We subsequently conducted a survey of all employees, including those at Group companies, on work comfort, and received responses from 65% of employees. The results of the survey revealed various issues, such as increasing awareness of the program, creating a workplace environment that is conducive to employees taking the leave, and improving the application process. In FY 2023, we will leverage that feedback as we strive to create an even more comfortable workplace environment.

Some of the survey results

Do you think the staggered working hours program has led to greater work comfort?(1,107)
Do you think the part-day paid leave program has led to greater work comfort?(1,185)

If you found using the programs difficult, please tell us why.

  • The advance application system is difficult to use
  • I cannot use the program due to my work or job type
  • The vibe in my department; No one is using the program
  • There seems to be a gap with how my supervisor perceives the program
  • There is no great awareness for the program itself.
  • I wish time and attendance could be managed using the company smartphones.
Programs that support diverse work styles
Program Outline Eligibility
Paid leave available in half-day and hourly increments [Objective]
To allow workers to flexibly take leave to accommodate various circumstances
Workers can take paid vacation in half-day increments, and in hourly increments for up to five days per year
Regular, contract, and part-time employees
Program allowing side work [Objective]
1) Employees acquire expertise and skills not obtainable within GOLDWIN
2) Employees expand business opportunities at GOLDWIN through acquisition of new expertise and information as well as personal connections created outside GOLDWIN
3) Cultivation of employees’ autonomy and independence, attracting outstanding talent, and preventing them from leaving GOLDWIN
1) Sole proprietor-type side work
2) No possibility of leaks of confidential company information
3) No competitive relationship with GOLDWIN’s business
4) For side work outside of standard working hours to be permitted, it cannot negatively impact the employee’s health or work efficiency
Regular and contract employees who have received permission to perform side work
Telework [Objective]
For the purposes of new value creation, contributing to company revenue through improved productivity, and accommodating needs for employees to have more latitude in their daily activities and for contingencies including disasters and infectious diseases
Employees use information and communication technology tools to perform work in locations other than GOLDWIN offices
1) Work from home
2) Mobile work
3) Satellite offices
Of regular, contract and part-time employees, those persons who have received permission to perform their work via telework
Satellite offices [Objective]
Accommodate diverse working styles by providing work spaces for employees for whom telework at home is not feasible
GOLDWIN contracts with a company that operates satellite offices, and allows employees who have made a request in advance to use them
Employees in certain regions
Staggered working hours [Objective]
1) Improve work efficiency and productivity, and reduce overtime work
2) Rethink career development by expanding options for work styles.
Prescribed working hours remain the same, but upon prior application and approval, employees are able to choose when they start and finish work within a predetermined range
Regular and contract employees (excluding sales associates, GOLDWIN Development Inc., GWL, nanamica)
Part-day paid leave [Objective]
1) Improve work efficiency and productivity
* Part-day paid leave can be taken during prescribed working hours without using one-day or half-day paid leave 2) More options for work styles
Instead of just the existing arrangements of taking time off from the start of the day or before the end of the day, employees will also be able to take paid leave at any time during work hours.
Paid leave will still be able to be taken for 1 or 2 hours per day.
Regular and contract employees (excluding BW)

Introduction of Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

With an aim of improving work-life balance, GOLDWIN is proceeding with the automation of work that can be replaced with robotic process automation (RPA) to reduce overtime hours and alleviate long working hours, creating a workplace for employees that is more comfortable than ever before. RPA is a technology that uses software robots instead of human workers to automatically process standard computer-based business processes that were previously performed manually by people. This drastically reduces human error in simple or high-volume routine work, and leads to an alleviation of long working hours and a reduction in the psychological burden on employees. In addition, any time saved from the introduction of RPA can be applied to high-value-added work that can only be performed by people, resulting in an expected increase in productivity. Led by our Information Technology Department, we are holding regular meetings with RPA personnel from human resources, finance, accounting, production management, ecommerce, general affairs, and other departments to discuss the introduction of RPA. Since beginning to introduce RPA in FY 2019, the number of departments adopting the technology (1) has tripled from four to 12, and the number of business operations using RPA (2) has increased from 12 to 40, a 330% increase. The number of people involved in RPA training to support this technology adoption (3) has increased from 12 to 29, a 240% increase, and the scale of activities is steadily expanding. In addition, the number of hours saved per adoptive department (4) has increased from 200 hours to 719 hours, a 350% increase, and the total number of hours saved has increased from 800 hours to 8,941 hours, an 11-fold increase.

Key indicators FY 2019 FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022
(1) Number of departments adopting RPA 4 7 9 12
(2) Number of RPA business operations 12 22 31 40
(3) Number of people in RPA training 12 17 20 29
(4) Number of hours saved per adoptive department 200 hours/dept. 641 hours/dept. 830 hours/dept. 719 hours/dept.
Total number of hours saved 800 hours 4,491 hours 7,471 hours 8,941 hours

Main examples

(1) Aggregation of orders received after exhibitions

The aggregation of orders received after the end of our semiannual exhibitions used to be entered manually. The person in charge had to aggregate about 50,000 lines of data while performing their regular duties, so it took about four months to complete and caused an increase in workload. By adopting RPA for the order data retrieval and aggregation processes, the person’s workload has been reduced, in effect, saving about 400 hours per year.

(2) Confirmation of work attendance

Teleworking was recommended due to the impact of COVID-19, but in order to manage attendance properly, it was necessary to check the discrepancies between each employee’s computer login and logout times and their individually reported work start and finish times. Using RPA enabled the Human Resources Department to manage attendance this way, which had not been done before, and to confirm each employee’s exact start and finish times. Adopting this technology had the effect of saving about 1,700 hours per year.

Support for Planning Life after Retirement

In this era of 100-year life expectancy, planning for life and putting that plan into practice is important in order to maintain a fulfilling lifestyle after retirement. At GOLDWIN, based on this belief, we regularly hold Life Plan Seminars for employees in their 50s and older.

Life Plan Seminars

These workshop-style seminars are designed to help participants understand their current financial situation and to think about and implement lifestyle planning for the future. In addition to an explanation about our company pension plan and other systems, as well an overview about social insurance, public pensions, and their procedures, participants calculate a post-retirement family budget. We calculate the money needed to lead a fulfilling lifestyle, and provide support for lifestyle planning for the future while employees are still working. In FY 2022, the seminar was held in an online format. It was attended by 50 participants, and archived for streaming.

Other Welfare Benefits, etc.

Initiatives of the GOLDWIN Health Insurance Society

The GOLDWIN Health Insurance Society also provides a variety of welfare benefits and health services to support insured employees and their families in maintaining and promoting good health and in improving their lives.

Assistance for vaccinations

Vaccinations for influenza have been subsidized, and from FY 2022, assistance has been expanded to cover vaccinations for diseases provided for in the Immunization Act. One subsidy is available for each disease per year.

  • Influenza
  • Diphtheria
  • Tuberculosis
  • Polio (poliomyelitis)
  • Hib infection (Hemophilus influenza type B)
  • Measles
  • Pneumococcal infectious disease
  • Rubella
  • Human papilloma virus infection
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Chicken pox (varicella)
  • Tetanus
  • Rotavirus
  • Whooping cough (pertussis)
  • Hepatitis B

Assistance for household medicines

50% subsidies (up to 5,000 yen) are provided for discounted household medicines (pharmaceuticals excluding nutritional supplements, sanitary products, health foods, cooling materials, adhesive plasters, etc.). Subsidies are available twice per year.

Assistance for infertility treatment costs

From FY 2022, out-of-pocket expenses for infertility treatment are fully subsidized. Subsidies are available six times for women under 40 years of age and three times for women aged 40 to 42.

Launch of HELPO online health consultation service

The HELPO online health consultation service was launched in FY 2022. Free advice from doctors, pharmacists, and other medical experts is available 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Employees can also search for basic information on nearby medical institutions and use the online treatment services of medical institutions.

Health guidance for young adults

From FY 2022, health guidance is available specifically for employees (aged 35–39) who are eligible for lifestyle-related disease screening at the time of health checkups.

Assistance for using sports facilities

From FY 2022, 50% subsidies (up to 3,000 yen) are provided for using sports facilities nationwide. Subsidies are available twice per year.

Assistance for using recreational facilities

From FY 2022, subsidies (up to 5,000 yen per person) are provided for using rest and recreation facilities nationwide. Subsidies are available once per year.

Future Issues

GOLDWIN will continue to strengthen its efforts to create employee-friendly workplaces for its diverse workforce. We believe it is important to present to our employees what we value and what support activities we focus on by clarifying our KPIs and specific goals. We will disseminate the programs we have developed in a way that is easy to understand, establish operational systems to ensure that eligible employees can make use of the programs when necessary, and expand the number of users.