Corporate Code of Conduct / Employees’ Code of Conduct Sustainability

Corporate Code of Conduct

  1. Goldwin will endeavor to comply with laws and social conventions and undertake sound corporate activities in the spirit of fair play.
  2. Goldwin will disclose its corporate information in a proactive and fair manner to its shareholders, investors, customers, and business partners in its effort to increase transparency in management. Goldwin will ensure that a wide range of information, including personal and customer information, is protected and controlled.
  3. Goldwin will develop and provide products and services that are socially meaningful and safe in order to secure the satisfaction and trust of consumers and customers.
  4. Goldwin will respect the diversity, personality, and individuality of employees, secure a safe and accessible working environment, and provide comfort and economic well-being.
  5. Goldwin will contribute to the development of the sporting culture through its corporate activities and actively engage in activities that will benefit communities.
  6. In overseas business activities, Goldwin will not only adhere to the international rules and local laws, but also respect the local culture and customs and operate in such a manner as to contribute to their preservation and promotion.
  7. Goldwin’s top executives are aware that they are responsible for carrying out the spirit of the Code of Conduct and will act accordingly to demonstrate the spirit. They will communicate the importance of the Code of Conduct not only internally within the Group but also to its business partners. They will also ensure that they pay attention to the voices inside and outside the company so that it can evolve to become a more efficient and effective organization.
  8. In the event of a situation involving a violation of this Code of Conduct, the top executives of Goldwin will personally take steps to resolve the problem and strive to identify the causes and prevent a recurrence. Goldwin’s top executives will make a prompt and accurate disclosure and assume full accountability, clarify the scope of the relevant authority and responsibility, and take strict actions against the persons involved, including his or her self.
  9. Goldwin recognizes that environmental issues are common to all humanity and that the development of environmental programs is a vital part of a corporation’s identity and activities. Goldwin will strive to protect the environment and promote the efficient use and conservation of natural resources.
  10. Goldwin will be resolute in opposing anti-social forces and groups that threaten to disrupt the order and safety of civil society, and will reject any relationships whatsoever with them.

Code of Conduct for Employees

  1. Compliant business activities
    1. Goldwin’s employees will observe the Anti-monopoly Act and will not engage in any unfair practices such as cartel, price fixing, or abuse of superior bargaining position.
    2. Goldwin’s employees will ensure that procurement is conducted in a fair and transparent manner, observe the Subcontract Act and the Industrial Homework Act and its internal regulations, and pay attention to such issues as legal compliance, quality, safety, environmental conservation, information security, fair trade, ethics, safety and hygiene, human rights and labor rights so as to encourage its suppliers to fulfill their social responsibility.
    3. Goldwin’s employees will respect intellectual property rights and seek to create a corporate culture that values intellectual property rights. They will use their best efforts to maximize corporate value in the creation, protection, and utilization of intellectual property rights while observing laws and regulations and facilitating fair and free competition.
    4. In international trade, Goldwin’s employees will observe the applicable laws and regulations of the trading country as well as Japan’s Unfair Competition Prevention Act and other related import and export laws. In investing overseas, Goldwin’s employees will comply with the laws and regulations of the host country.
    5. Goldwin’s employees will neither offer to nor receive from Goldwin’s customers and vendors entertainment, gift, or money that exceeds the bounds of social conventions. In particular, when dealing with public servants in Japan or overseas, Goldwin’s employees will not only ensure full compliance to relevant laws and regulations, but also refrain from any conduct that may appear suspicious.
    6. Should Goldwin’s employees gain any material information regarding Goldwin or its business partners, they will not engage in any insider trading involving transactions of shares or securities prior to the publication of such material facts.
  2. Active information disclosure and protection of personal information
    1. Goldwin will provide timely and appropriate information disclosure to shareholders and investors to facilitate the understanding of its corporate activities.
    2. Goldwin recognizes that not only management and financial information that is useful to stakeholders but also non-financial information related to the environment and society information is material to its corporate activities and should be made available to the public includes, and strives to voluntarily disclose such information.
    3. Recognizing the importance of protecting personal information, Goldwin will adhere to the relevant laws and internal regulations. Confidential information will be strictly controlled.
  3. Improvement in product quality and service
    1. Goldwin will coordinate its product development, marketing (including that of distributors and retailers) and customer services in order to develop and offer products and services that are based on customer needs and friendliness to the global environment.
    2. To ensure product safety and quality, Goldwin will establish standards and procedures to be followed in all processes of development, sales, and consumption and develop a quality and safety management regime so that any defects, if found, can be addressed appropriately and quickly.
    3. Goldwin will ensure appropriate labeling in accordance with the Act Against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations and other relevant laws and regulations so that consumers are able to choose products and services in an objective manner.
  4. Securing job satisfaction and fundamental rights for workers
    1. Goldwin will promote a workplace where employees can find job satisfaction and a sense of purpose, and expand employment opportunities without prejudice to nationality, gender, age, religion, or disabilities. And the company develops a personnel management and compensation framework that is reasonable and fair.
    2. Goldwin will strive to secure safety and hygiene at workplace, actively support a healthy lifestyle, maintain appropriate working hours, and to create a comfortable work environment.
    3. Goldwin will respect the individuality and the fundamental rights of employees, and support their career and skill development. In addition, Goldwin will introduce a wide range of employment modes so that its employees can maintain a balance between work and personal life.
    4. Goldwin provides its employees with appropriate information on its operation status, economic environment, and challenges in order to work toward the growth of company operations by sharing common understanding of company’s stands.
    5. Goldwin will respect the basic labor rights of employees and under no circumstances will employ forced or child labor, or engage in any other inhumane treatment of workers.
  5. Society and Environment
    1. Goldwin will fulfill its corporate citizenship by making community contributions on a consistent basis through such means as supporting cultural and artistic activities, collaborating with local communities, leading volunteer activities, and participating in international cooperation, thereby advancing the growth and prosperity of society.
    2. When conducting business activities overseas, Goldwin will respect the laws, cultures, and customs of the host country.
    3. Goldwin will have no dealings whatsoever with any anti-social forces or organizations and will absolutely refuse any unreasonable demands made by them.
    4. In decision-making, Goldwin will take into consideration factors that impact the environment, including energy efficiency, resource savings, and protection of biodiversity. Goldwin will do so in order to facilitate the creation of a low-carbon society and to develop products and business models that are conducive to environmental conservation in an effort to build a sustainable society.