About Goldwin Inc.


Envision new possibilities for humanity in nature

Goldwin’s products, experiences, and opportunities are designed to elevate human potential while fostering a healthier environment.

We view “play” as the foundation of all sports. This creative, expansive state of being informs our work as we honor our interconnectedness with the environment and evolve towards a brighter future for all life on earth.


  1. To offer children opportunities to explore nature, unlocking self-discovery and empowering them to shape a bright future
  2. To harness boundless imagination and employ innovative approaches aimed at fostering a healthier planet
  3. To cultivate a vibrant, supportive community that extends beyond our organization as we strive to create meaningful experiences and a sustainable society



We approach each task with an open and curious mind, much like the way children explore the world through play, continuously evolving and responding to changes in the world around us.


We employ our collective wisdom, experience, knowledge, and our senses to envision our process holistically, recognizing how even the smallest details play a role in shaping the broader picture.


We strive to express our beliefs through action, and embrace difficulties, uncertainties, and ambiguous situations as a part of the process. We welcome opportunities to address society-wide challenges and instigate change in the world.


We are continuously refining our products and methods, maintaining meticulous attention to detail while upholding a tradition of excellence. A dialogue between ideation and action allows us to craft products and experiences that inspire discovery, wonder, and joy.


We remain steadfast in our land-based traditions as we foster reciprocal relationships, knowing that our lives are supported by our ecosystems and extended communities.


It Starts with Play

Whether breaking sports records or exploring uncharted territory, it all begins with play and a sense of curiosity. Goldwin connects people to their surroundings by providing products that adapt to each environment and situation — from mountains, oceans, forests, or glaciers to city streets and infrastructure, and even to time at home.

Since 2021, in response to global environmental issues, we have adopted the concept of Play Earth, which seeks to create a new relationship between nature and our lives through “play” as the starting point of renewing and illuminating the world.

Play lets us intuitively grasp the principles and phenomena inherent in nature, and with repeated experiences this transforms into real understanding of them. Play leads to new adventures and disciplines that can bring forth the future of a broad range of fields, including sports, science, and nature. Play Earth represents our belief that playing well produces foundations and opportunities to create a brighter future for our Earth.


Believe in Humanity’s Potential

The rules governing nature’s lifecycles have never changed. On the other hand, the communal beliefs, cultures, and rules of human society are continuously updated. If it is humans who have disrupted nature’s cycles, it should also be humans that can rewrite the rules of civilization to make them more harmonious with nature.

To nurture people who can enjoy the benefits of modern life and also tackle the problems and challenges of our times, we must not limit ourselves to existing frameworks, trying to maximize what we can gain from them. Rather, just as sports have emerged from playing in nature and are organized with rules, we need to evolve our social structures and rules — and sometimes create new ones — while aligning them with the rules of nature and the needs of our time.


Make Things.
Create Value.
Build Environments.

In the past, humans carved out parts of nature to build playing fields. But now we have more ways to enjoy nature as it exists, or maybe even enhance it. Instead of destroying nature, we should accept Earth’s abiding ecology, and apply imagination to discover new relationships and invent new ways to play in it. We can restore the natural world around us and savor the joys of human activities at the same time.

Goldwin’s monozukuri (the art of making things), kotozukuri (creating value), and kankyozukuri (creating places and opportunities) are all about expanding human potential and exploring the potential of nature. We immerse ourselves in nature to thrive in harmony instead of looking at nature from the outside and treating it as an object to consume.

We believe in people, love nature, and make things conscientiously. Through monozukuri and taiken (hands-on experience), Goldwin will contribute to a society where humans and nature live hand in hand. We pledge to unceasingly evolve our philosophy and initiatives to grow as a meaningful presence in the future of the Earth.