Stock Information Investors

Stock Overview

Securities code
Fiscal year From
April 1 to March 31 of the next year
Record date of year-end dividend
March 31 (When interim dividends are declared, the record date is September 30)
Annual Annual General Meeting of Shareholders
Late June
Number of shares per unit
Transfer agent
Mizuho Trust & Banking Company
1-2-1 Yaesu, Chuo Ward, Tokyo
Method of public notice

Stock Procedures

Shareholders with an account at a securities firm

Mailing address
Please contact your securities firm.
Contact number
Please contact your securities firm.
Administrative office
(change of address, dividend payment method, etc.)
Please contact your securities firm.
Payment of dividend already declared
Mizuho Trust & Banking
Head office and all branches nationwide
Mizuho Bank
Head office and all branches nationwide
(Mizuho Securities is only an intermediary)
Request for payment statements
Please make your request using the contact information under “Shareholders with a special account.”

Shareholders with a special account (without an account at a securities firm)

Mailing address
Mizuho Trust & Banking Co.
Stock Transfer Agency Department
2-8-4 Izumi, Suginami Ward, Tokyo 168-8507
Contact number
Toll Free: 0120-288-324
(9:00-17:00, excluding weekends and national holidays)
Administrative office
(change of address, dividend payment method, etc.)
Mizuho Securities
Head office and all branches nationwide
Mizuho Trust & Banking
Head office and all branches nationwide
Payment of dividend already declared
Mizuho Trust & Banking
Head office and all branches nationwide
Mizuho Bank
Head office and all branches nationwide
(Mizuho Securities is only an intermediary)
Request for payment statements
Only the sale of fractional shares (less than one unit) to the Company may be conducted using the special account.
You will need to open an account at a securities company and transfer the shares to that account for any other trades.