Health Management Sustainability

Basic Concept

Goldwin believes that maintaining and improving employee health is essential for sustainable corporate growth. Protecting the physical and mental health and well-being of employees forms the foundation for securing a stable workforce. It also enhances individual performance, productivity, and engagement with the company, leading to revitalization of the organization. We value our founding philosophy of “realizing a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle through sports,” and we focus on keeping our employees active and energetic outside of work and keeping their families healthy as well. This philosophy was expressed in the Goldwin Group Health Management Declaration in March 2021, and we have since been strengthening a range of initiatives under the leadership of top management.

Goldwin Group Health Management Declaration

Based on the belief that the physical and mental health and safety of our employees is absolutely essential to realize our Corporate Statement and for both the company and employees to achieve growth., we pledge to proactively work together with employees, their families and health insurance associations to create conditions so that all employees are able to work safely and securely and maintain and improve their health.

March 2021

Message from the President on Health Management

At Goldwin, we want to be a company where employees are able to work with pride and enthusiasm. Based on this premise, we believe that when employees and their families are able to maintain and improve their physical and mental health and well-being, and employees can continue working with a sense of enjoyment, new ideas and inspiration will be born. What’s more, everyone’s individual aptitudes and capabilities will be fully unleashed, leading to company development and contributions to society.
Based on our purpose of “leading people to take on challenges and expanding the possibilities for people and nature,” we will promote the improvement of health as a company in concert with the health insurance associations, employees, and their families so that our people are able to live life without a boundary between work and play.

Takao Watanabe
President and Representative of Board

Portrait photo

Goldwin Group Health and Productivity Management Strategy Map

With reference to the “Strategy Map” published using the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry’s (METI) Guidelines for Administrative Accounting of Investment in Health and Productivity Management, the Goldwin Group identifies issues to be resolved through the promotion of health and productivity management and implements initiatives for resolving those issues.

By presenting a story of our health and productivity management strategy from issues to initiatives, we are strengthening various initiatives to protect the mental and physical health of our employees and for the good health of their families.

Health Management Strategy Map

Evaluation and Analysis of Employee Work Performance

At Goldwin, we quantitatively evaluate and analyze the work performance of our employees, such as through medical checkups and stress checks, and we use this information to promote health and productivity management.

In FY 2022, we added “work engagement” (positive and satisfied psychological state toward work) to the quantitative indicators we measure, in addition to “presenteeism” (the state of being at work but being unable to perform at full capacity due to health problems) and “absenteeism” (being absent from work due to injury or illness).

By producing these indicators every year, we analyze the evaluations and continuously implement measures to protect the mental and physical health of our employees.

Indicators of employee work performance
FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Work engagement (points) *1 2.70 2.70
Presenteeism (points) *2 17.71 23.46
Absenteeism (days) *3 1.45 1.43 2.95 1.59
*1 New Brief Job Stress Questionnaire (shorter 80-question version)
*2 Questionnaire survey using the Single-Item Presenteeism Question (SPQ, University of Tokyo)
*3 Average number of days of sick leave reported by all employees

Promotion Framework

We have established a system to promote health management, with the President and Representative of Board serving as the Chief Health Management Officer, and the Health Promotion Team in the General Affairs Group, General Affairs Department, serving as the secretariat. We will implement a variety of measures in collaboration with the Health and Safety Committee, the Goldwin Group Committee (group of employee representatives), and the Goldwin Health Insurance Society, and in consultation with occupational health physicians and certified psychologists. Each measure is also reported to management via the Executive Management Meeting.

System for the promotion of health management
System for the promotion of health management

Specific Initiatives

Goldwin promotes the following initiatives throughout the Group to create environments where employees can work in good physical and mental health.

Interviews, Counseling with Occupational Health Physicians

As a way of supporting the mental health of each and every employee, we have systems in place for employees to seek advice from occupational health physicians and certified psychologists. We are working to expand opportunities for interviews and counseling for the purpose of preventing mental health problems and providing appropriate follow-up. These interviews and counseling help to prevent mental health problems by putting restrictions on work before having to take leave. We also have a consultation system in place for the supervisors of employees with mental health problems, so that the mental health problems do not end up being the sole problem of those concerned. In FY 2023, we started training for store managers in order to enhance their understanding of mental health problems.

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Number of interviews with occupational health physicians 291 357 394 366
Number of interviews with counselors 19 19 19 19
FY 2023 measures
Measures Number of participants Details
Offer combined in-person and online counseling services nationwide 19 people (total of 19 times) In addition to in-person interviews that had previously been offered in Tokyo, Toyama, and Osaka, we introduced online interviews, thereby establishing an environment in which Group employees across Japan are able to seek advice regardless of where they are located.
Encourage supervisors of employees with mental health problems to see an occupational health physician 9 people (total of 9 times) We established a consultation system with supervisors so that mental health problems do not end up being the sole problem of those concerned.
Establish a return-to-work support program 28 people We clarified our follow-up system for employees with mental health problems. We maintain support after the employee returns to work in cooperation with occupational health physicians and the Human Resources Department.
Hold training sessions to improve literacy on mental health issues 200 (total of 1 session) To promote understanding about mental illness, we held a training session for employees in store manager positions to learn from occupational health physicians about preventive methods and communication methods in the workplace.

Smoking Cessation Measures

Smoking can lead to lifestyle-related diseases. It affects not only the individual smokers but also others around them through passive smoking. Goldwin believes that quitting smoking is fundamental to protecting health, and fully supports employees who want to quit. In FY 2023, 100% of the employees we supported quit smoking.

Furthermore, since April 2022, smoking has been prohibited during working hours for all Group employees (including during breaks, on business trips, and while at work outside of prescribed working hours).

FY 2023 measures
Measures Details
Establish an online quit smoking clinic* We provide step-by-step support for quitting smoking via online treatment and aids to stop smoking.
Provide support for smoking cessation treatment* We provide support for smoking cessation treatment at authorized medical institutions.
Provide free nicotine patches* We provide support for those who want to quit smoking without receiving treatment at authorized medical institutions.
Distribute an e-newsletter We are improving health literacy by distributing an e-newsletter on issues such as passive smoking to all Group employees.
* Employees who have insurance with the Goldwin Health Insurance Society are eligible for these programs. There are no out-of-pocket costs for these programs.

Stress Checks

Every year, we encourage all Group employees to take a stress check to promote their awareness for stress and to help improve workplaces. Following the stress checks, employees with high levels of stress are instructed to see an occupational health physician. Group analysis of each division is also used to determine the degree of stress and any trends, and interviews for workplace improvements are conducted by counselors and department managers.

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Percentage of employees taking stress checks (%) 97.8 98.6 96.5 96.3
Percentage of employees with high levels of stress (%) 8.8 10.5 9.7 9.8

Medical Checkups

In addition to the annual mandatory medical checkups for all employees, we offer comprehensive physical checkups for employees aged 40 and older as well as lifestyle-related disease screening for employees aged 35–39. We also pay for a full range of optional examinations for those who so wish, including gastroscopy (for those eligible for the comprehensive physical checkups), brain checkups (employees aged 48 and 54), and gynecological examinations (uterine cancer: employees aged 18 and older, breast cancer: employees aged 30 and over). Moreover, the time required for these medical checkups is treated as work hours.

FY 2020 FY 2021 FY 2022 FY 2023
Percentage of employees receiving medical checkups (%) 100 100 100 100
Percentage of employees receiving thorough examinations (%) 28.2 28.3 26.8 46.7
Percentage of employees receiving metabolic syndrome-specific medical checkups (%) 88.9 88 90.3 96.7
Percentage of employees receiving metabolic syndrome-specific health guidance (%) 43.9 45.8 42.5 46.5

Employee Health Promotion Programs

HELPO online health consultation service

In FY 2022, with the aim of maintaining and improving their health, we introduced HELPO, an online health consultation service where employees can readily seek advice on health concerns. Group employees are using the service as a self-care tool to discuss any concerns they have, such changes in their physical condition brought about by a change in work or workplace environment, as well as minor, everyday health problems.

Events conducted in FY 2023

  • Walking campaigns (twice a year)
  • Posting of dietary columns (12 columns)
  • Distribution of information on dental health (once)

Corporate contract with yoga studio

Increasingly more people are suffering from a lack of exercise and stress due to changes in work styles and lifestyles during the COVID-19 pandemic. At Goldwin, we signed a corporate contract with a yoga studio in January 2023 to help employees relax their bodies and minds and improve their concentration and motivation. Group employees and those who have insurance with the Goldwin Health Insurance Society can join the studio as corporate members.

Sports days

Every year, we hold company sports days at two locations in Tokyo and Toyama. They are large-scale events with employees and their families participating in hotly contested activities and given MVP awards and “hustle” awards at the end of the event.

In FY 2023, approximately 400 people participated in the sports day in Tokyo. Although the sports day in Toyama was not held because of the spread of COVID-19, going forward, we will continue this event to provide more opportunities for exercise and to deepen the sense of solidarity within the company.

Encouragement of club activities

We actively encourage employees to participate in club activities. There are about 30 active clubs, including baseball, soccer, walking, fishing, water sports, and golf. Through sport, a total of about 665 employees (FY 2023, including members of multiple clubs) are expanding their communication network beyond the boundaries of their departments and positions. In addition, we resumed our Toyama Goodwill Event in FY 2023, which we had been unable to hold due to the spread of COVID-19. More than 100 employees across different club activities participated in the event.

Initiatives of the Goldwin Health Insurance Society

The Goldwin Health Insurance Society also provides a variety of welfare benefits and health services to support insured employees and their families in maintaining and promoting good health and in improving their lives.

Assistance for vaccinations

Vaccinations for influenza have been subsidized, and from FY 2023, assistance has been expanded to cover vaccinations for diseases provided for in the Immunization Act. One subsidy is available for each disease per year.

  • Influenza
  • Diphtheria
  • Tuberculosis
  • Polio (poliomyelitis)
  • Hib infection (Hemophilus influenza type B)
  • Measles
  • Pneumococcal infectious disease
  • Rubella
  • Human papilloma virus infection
  • Japanese encephalitis
  • Chicken pox (varicella)
  • Tetanus
  • Rotavirus
  • Whooping cough (pertussis)
  • Hepatitis B

Assistance for household medicines

50% subsidies (up to 5,000 yen) are provided for discounted household medicines (pharmaceuticals excluding nutritional supplements, sanitary products, health foods, cooling materials, adhesive plasters, etc.). Subsidies are available twice per year.

Assistance for infertility treatment costs

From FY 2022, out-of-pocket expenses for infertility treatment are fully subsidized. Subsidies are available six times for women under 40 years of age and three times for women aged 40 to 42.

Health guidance for young adults

From FY 2022, health guidance is available specifically for employees (aged 35–39) who are eligible for lifestyle-related disease screening at the time of health checkups.

Assistance for using sports facilities

From FY 2022, 50% subsidies (up to 3,000 yen) are provided for using sports facilities nationwide. Subsidies are available twice per year.

Eligible facilities:

  • Gym swimming pools, gymnasiums, sports stadiums, ski resorts (lift tickets), golf courses, golf driving ranges, bowling alleys, skating rinks, batting centers, tennis courts, campgrounds, and other facilities for playing sports

Infection Control Measures

Amid the ongoing impact of COVID-19, we implemented the following infection control measures in FY 2023.

  • Distribution of masks to all employees
  • Installation of hand sanitizer alcohol and thermometers at all offices and at all stores
  • Temperature checks of all employees every morning
  • Promotion of teleworking
  • Workplace vaccinations for COVID-19
  • Securing of PCR testing facilities and early testing
  • Antigen testing and PCR testing to allay concerns
  • Installation of partitions to prevent droplet infection
  • Prompt disinfection in the case of suspected infections

External Evaluation and Certification for Health Management

Goldwin has been evaluated highly by several external organizations as a company that actively promotes health management.

2025 KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection

Goldwin has been selected under the 2025 KENKO Investment for Health Stock Selection, a joint initiative by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE). The Selection recognizes outstanding listed companies that strategically approach employee health management as a key part of their corporate strategy. Goldwin was recognized for promoting employee awareness of time management, optimizing working hours, and achieving targets for annual paid leave utilization rates, thereby increasing opportunities to practice sports and leading to physical and mental well-being. This marks the third time Goldwin’s has been selected.


2025 Certified KENKO Investment for Health
Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program, White 500

The Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program is one established by METI to publicly honor particularly outstanding large enterprises, SMEs, and other corporations implementing health and productivity management, based on initiatives that address health-related challenges in communities and initiatives to improve health led by the Nippon Kenko Kaigi (Japan Health Council). In the large enterprise category, the top corporations are recognized as “White 500” enterprises.

Goldwin has been recognized as a Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization nine times in total since the inception of the program in 2017. We were also selected as a White 500 enterprise for the eighth time.


Certification as a Sports Yell Company

The Sports Yell Company program is administered by the Japan Sports Agency and recognizes companies that are actively engaged in improving employee health through sport.

Goldwin has been certified as a Sports Yell Company for seven consecutive years since the program was launched in FY 2017.


Certification as a Tokyo Sports Promotion Company

Under the Tokyo Sports Promotion Company Certification Program, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) certifies companies which promote sports activities among their employees and which are engaged in social activities in the area of sports.

Goldwin has been certified as a Tokyo Sports Promotion Company for ten consecutive years since the program started in FY 2015.


Future Issues

We will maintain and develop our efforts to further promote employee health and deepen our health management. Based on the analysis of various indicators and data, we will proceed to establish numerical targets for each measure, aiming to implement them more effectively. We emphasize a two-pronged approach, that is, a “high-risk approach” that addresses high health risk individuals and a “population approach” that strives to prevent health risks for the organization as a whole.

Initiatives to be strengthened

  • Penetration of health and productivity management throughout the company via training and seminars
  • Making the menu in the staff canteen more health-oriented
  • Introduction of a new health management app
  • Measurement of presenteeism in stress checks and strengthening our follow-up actions
  • Strengthening efforts to reduce smoking rates
  • Digitization of medical checkup and stress check results
  • Employee satisfaction survey for health and productivity management