Disclosure Policy Investors

Goldwin Inc. (the “Company”) strives to disclose information promptly, appropriately, and fairly in accordance with the information disclosure standards of Japan Exchange Group, Inc.

Information Subject to Disclosure

Information subject to disclosure by the Company includes disclosure policies, financial statements, business reports, statutory disclosure documents, and announcements of material matters. In principle, we provide information subject to disclosure in a timely and accurate manner. We disclose any information meeting our disclosure standards promptly and appropriately.

Disclosure Method

The Company discloses documents such as our Disclosure Policy, financial statements, and business reports through an electronic public notice system. We also publish such disclosures on our official corporate website. We also disclose statutory disclosure documents and announcements of important matters promptly through press releases.

Quiet Period

The Company refrains from disclosing any information regarding financial condition or performance (quiet period) between the last day of the fiscal year and the following announcement of financial results. However, the Company may, at our discretion, disclose such information in the event of exceptional matters as stipulated under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and the rules and regulations of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.