Message from Management About

Akio Nishida
Chairman and Representative Director
Goldwin Inc.

Strong, Fast, Transparent Management: A Sustainable Business Model in Harmony with Nature

Akio Nishida
Chairman and Representative Director
Goldwin Inc.


Goldwin had its beginnings in Oyabe City as Tsuzawa Knitwear, surrounded by the bountiful nature of Toyama Prefecture. Soon after its establishment in 1950, the company moved into making sports apparel. In the 1970s, we grew a portfolio of multiple brands, and since the turn of the century our business has became increasingly responsive to real-world demands.

Over those 70 years, some things have changed, and some have not.

What has not changed is our approach toward making sportswear. We continue to listen to the voices of athletes and our customers, and in the belief that “there is true value in the invisible,” we have dedicated ourselves to honest and sincere monozukuri, or manufacturing excellence, of products with new value.

What has changed is the adaptations our business development has made to transformations in society. The brands we deploy, our production locations, our marketing and sales have all kept pace with the times, and although we faced a number of management crises over the years, we overcame each challenge thanks to the support of our stakeholders.

Now, as we aim to become a 100-year company through sustainable management, I remember how, when I was a child, people around me devised ways to coexist with Toyama’s demanding natural environment. I believe the resilience of Goldwin has been nurtured by this symbiosis with nature and our enduring stakeholder relationships.

Our sustainable business model will enable us to live in harmony with nature while upholding our traditional values, to reduce our environmental impact, to respond flexibly to shifts in society, and to carry out our Sports First philosophy.

As we strive to achieve a rich and healthy life through sports, Goldwin is committed to sustainably coexisting with nature, and to strong, fast, transparent management.


Chairman and Representative Director Goldwin Inc. Akio Nishida

Takao Watanabe
President and Representative Director
Goldwin Inc.

With sports and the environment at top of our mind, we strive to contribute to the world

Takao Watanabe
President and Representative Director
Goldwin Inc.

代表取締役 社長執行役員のポートレート写真

Since 1950, our dreams and aspirations have been founded on an unwavering commitment to manufacturing excellence, or monozukuri. Our belief that “There is true value in the invisible” guides us to pay meticulous attention to product details that are often hidden from view. This foundational principle defines our mission and responsibility for monozukuri, and is reflected in our products’ design, functionality, and aesthetics.

In an ever-more commoditized marketplace, consumers increasingly seek self-actualization through having their sensibilities inspired. In response, we constantly explore new directions to create what has never existed before. Our true pleasure lies in making the lives of people who use our products and services joyous and stimulating.

Our planet is now facing a future that’s more uncertain than ever before. There are many urgent challenges before us — issues of population, energy, environment, education, and the proliferation of natural disasters. In particular, the environmental crisis is a crucial issue that cannot be overlooked from the perspective of sports and apparel. We must break free of conventional thinking and tackle these problems with creativity and imagination if we are to change the way people approach environmental issues.

To “achieve a rich and healthy life through sports” is our corporate philosophy. While keeping sports and the environment top of mind, we will continue to devote ourselves to being a company that makes a positive contribution to the world.


President and Representative Director Goldwin Inc. Takao Watanabe