Shareholder Information Investors

Status of Main Shareholders

Shareholders Number of shares held
(thousand shares)
Shareholding percentage (%)
The Master Trust Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 4,809 10.3
MITSUI & CO., LTD. 4,367 9.4
Korea Securities Depository Samsung 3,378 7.2
Korea Securities Depository Shinhan Investment 2,109 4.5
The Hokuriku Bank, Ltd. 1,980 4.2
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account E) 1,810 3.9
GOLDWIN Nishida Tosaku Sports Promotion Memorial Foundation 1,692 3.6
Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account) 1,628 3.5
Nishida Machinery Co., Ltd. 1,624 3.5
The Hokkoku Bank, Ltd. 1,565 3.4
※Shareholding ratio is calculated excluding treasury shares (724,890 shares).Treasury shares do not include the Company’s shares held by Custody Bank of Japan, Ltd. (Trust Account E) as trust assets for the transaction to deliver the Company’s shares through a trust to employees, etc.

Composition of Shareholders

Type of shareholders Shareholding percentage (%)
Financial institutions 34.8
Securities companies 1.1
Other domestic corporations 26.0
Foreign corporations, etc. 22.9
Individuals and others 15.2

※Shares held in connection with trust business are included in the number of shares held by financial institutions.

End of March, 2024