Analyst CoverageInvestors


Company Analyst
Daiwa Securities Co., Ltd. Yuki Nozawa
Tokai Tokyo Intelligence Laboratory Co., Ltd. Hideki Sumi
Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd. Toshio Takahashi
Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd. Ai Furukawa
BofA Securities Japan Co., Ltd. Arashi Nishizawa
SMBC Nikko Securities Inc. Kenya Matsuo
※Alphabetical order; as of 6th June 2024.
※This table is made by Goldwin inc. based on information available to our company. Please note it is possible that there are other analysts who make an analysis on Goldwin inc. and that the table does not always show the most updated list of the analysts who cover our company.
※This list is intended to provide information for analysts who review and forecast Goldwin inc. Analysts’ opinions and forecasts do not represent opinions, forecasts of Goldwin inc. or its management. The information is not intended as a solicitation to invest. Investment decisions should be made at your own judgment and risk.