Respect for Human Rights Sustainability
Basic Concept
As the Goldwin Group, we recognize the significant implications that business has on human rights, and in order to conduct activities with consideration for human rights, advance initiatives for respecting human rights in accordance with international standards including the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
We have established the Goldwin Group Policy on Human Rights as our shared values in advancing our initiatives and share it with all officers and employees of our Group as well as with related suppliers.
Goldwin Group Policy on Human Rights
The mission of the Goldwin Group (“The Group”) is to realize a fulfilling and healthy lifestyle through sports. Our aim is to build a sustainable society as we raise our corporate value through our business activities while respecting every facet of people’s diversity.
Recognizing that respect for human rights is indispensable to realizing our mission, we have implemented the Goldwin Group Policy on Human Rights (“The Policy”), based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Our approach is specifically described in our compliance guidelines: our Corporate Code of Conduct, Code of Conduct for Employees, and Code of Conduct for Goldwin Suppliers.
Compliance with Global Human Rights
The Group is committed to respecting the laws and regulations of every nation in which it operates while also complying with the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.
Should the laws and regulations of a nation conflict with internationally recognized human rights standards, the Group will seek ways to honor the principles of international standards in its conduct.
Scope of Compliance
The Policy applies to all directors and employees of The Group.
Suppliers are also expected to support The Policy and share our commitment to respect human rights globally.
Human Rights in Practice
To secure the human rights of all stakeholders, The Group prohibits any engagement that contributes to human trafficking, forced labor, child labor, and all types of discrimination or harassment. The Group also guarantees the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
We continue to conduct due diligence to ensure compliance with human rights standards throughout The Group’s value chain and to prevent or reduce actual or potential risks of violation.
The Group’s President and Representative Director has ultimate responsibility for effective deployment and implementation of The Policy throughout The Group’s operations.
The Group recognizes the importance of seeing potential human rights infringement from the viewpoints of stakeholders liable to be victimized. Therefore, The Group retains external, independent expertise in this field and confers with relevant stakeholders in the course of implementing The Policy.
The Group also conducts educational programs on implementing The Policy for its directors and employees, and organizes activities to raise awareness and understanding of The Policy among its suppliers.
The Group maintains a procedure for stakeholders to consult on or report acts that have a negative impact on human rights. Should The Group realize that any part of its operation has caused or contributed to an adverse effect on human rights, we will initiate corrective action(s) necessary as remediation.
Progress Reports
Progress on implementation of The Policy is reported on The Group’s website.
December 13, 2021
Takao Watanabe
Representative Director, President, and Chief Executive Officer
Goldwin Inc.