GOLDWIN TECH LAB commences validation tests of improved MOON PARKA® prototype
GOLDWIN Inc. (President and Representative Director: Akio Nishida/Head Office: 2-20-6 Shoto, Shibuya City, Tokyo/First Section of the Tokyo Stock Exchange: 8111) and Spiber Inc. (Representative Executive Officer: Kazuhide Sekiyama/Head Office: 234-1 Mizukami, Kakuganji, Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture) are pleased to announce that GOLDWIN TECH LAB commences this month validation tests of MOON PARKA®, a jointly developed jacket made of QMONOS®, a proprietary synthetic spider silk material from Spiber.
In October 2015, GOLDWIN and Spiber announced the world’s first prototype produced with QMONOS® on an actual manufacturing line. Since then, we have made numerous quality and reliability improvements to the material and the prototype. The material did not exist before in nature or as a synthetic material, and comprehensive quality tests were therefore required.
With these enhancements, we now have a prototype ready for quality validation tests on a commercial production scale. A wide range of validation tests of the prototype are planned, including outdoor field tests at GOLDWIN TECH LAB, which itself was completed this month.
Following completion of validation tests, work will commence toward product commercialization as soon as possible. Sales launch date and other details will be announced once they are finalized.
GOLDWIN and Spiber are committed to working together to further develop and improve our products. We appreciate your continued support.

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